A dog wearing their collar.

The Best GPS Tracking Dog Collars

As conscientious pet owners, we all want to provide the very best home, health and happiness for our dogs. And to do that, we can use tracking dog collars. One great option is Tractive, a pet technology company that offers GPS tracking devices and related services to help pet owners monitor and locate their pets in real-time. Thanks to a GPS tracking collar, a dog was rescued on a 600 ft cliff.

How to Find Your Missing Pets

Finding a missing pet can be a distressing experience, but there are several effective ways to increase your chances of locating them, including using GPS trackers:

  • GPS Trackers: Attach a GPS tracker to your pet's collar. These devices provide real-time location information, allowing you to track your pet's movements via a smartphone app or website.
  • Microchipping: Ensure your pet is microchipped with your current contact information. If someone finds your pet and takes them to a vet or shelter, they can scan the microchip and contact you.
  • Create a Digital Presence: Share your pet's photo and information on social media platforms, local community groups and websites dedicated to lost and found pets.
  • Flyers: Create and distribute flyers with a clear photo and contact information. Post them in your neighborhood, local parks and pet-related businesses.
  • Contact Animal Shelters: Reach out to nearby animal shelters, rescues and veterinary clinics. Provide them with a description of your pet and your contact information.
  • Lost Pet Websites and Apps: Utilize websites and apps like Petfinder, LostMyDoggie, or FindingRover, which help connect pet owners with their lost animals.
  • Community Involvement: Involve your neighbors and community members in the search by informing them about your missing pet. They can keep an eye out and help spread the word.

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Our Picks

  • PETFON Pet GPS Tracker―This is a great GPS tracking unit for dogs that rang all of our bells except for one. That one issue is that it currently operates on iOS devices. This unit is not available yet to Android device users. But, if you love Apple, then you will want this tracker for your best bud. Find it on Amazon today where 83% of buyers gave it five stars.
  • BARTUN GPS Pet Tracker―At just $59.99 and loaded with user-friendly applications, this GPS/WiFi/LBS dog tracker is a bargain for the tech-loving dog owner. 87% of Amazon buyers ranked this awesome real-time collar tracker four to five stars due to its Geo Fencing App and other great features.
  • Garmin T5 GPS Dog Collar―The old adage that “you get what you pay for" certainly rings true with this fantastic Garmin GPS collar tracker. The $250 price tag is certainly in the high to middle range for GPS dog trackers, but this unit brings a lot of prime meat to the doggie bowl! Consider the special features that Garmin puts into this GPS tracker. Features that set it apart like the very sensitive long GPS range of 9 miles, its water immersion rating and the special LED rescue mode―great features for hunting dogs and adventure hounds. The Garmin T5 is worth every penny! Read more about it today on Amazon.
  • Link AKC Smart Dog Collar―This GPS collar system is like giving your pooch his or her own cell phone. It works well with either iOS or Android phones to keep your dog safe, happy and healthy. This GPS collar requires an AT&T service plan but it is loaded with great features and is a solid guarantee. One of those awesome features is that it is supported by nationwide service via AT&T. See the Link AKC and order one for your best bud on Amazon today!
  • GIBI 2nd Gen Pet GPS Tracker―The GIBI is a good GPS tracker for most active dogs but Amazon buyers either love it or hate it. It is a dead heat in the feedback column with 50% favoring it and 50% wishing they had bought something else. You want to be sure that you get a new unit, not a refurb and be sure that you properly set up the safe zone boundaries. The GIBI is compatible with either iOS or Android platforms but there is a $9.99 per month recurring subscription fee. Go to Amazon to learn more about the GIBI GPS Pet Tracker.
  • Findster Duo+ Pet Tracker―No monthly fees, no SIM card and no cell coverage needed! The Findster Tracker is the perfect system for pet parents looking for dog safety with simplicity while walking their pooch. This is a short-range tracker for outdoor walks and runs at the dog park. The Findster Duo+ is not engineered to be an indoor monitor or remote long-range tracker. For more information see the Findster store at Amazon.

Our Criteria

We limited our reviews to GPS collar units and excluded the various QR and other non-GPS tracker tag systems. We used the following criteria to develop this list for you: buyer feedback, device range, service features and functions, dog comfort, any subscription fees, warranty and unit purchase price. Please read on to learn more about our picks for the best GPS-tracking devices for dogs.

In Conclusion

We all want the best for our dogs. Safety and security are key elements to us all―including our beloved companion, sporting and working dogs. We hope this brief article will help you find the right dog collar GPS unit to provide for your dog’s safety and security. Please do not let your best friend become one of the millions of lost and homeless dogs.