A mouse on a white background

How to Care for a Pet Mouse

Mice are interesting types of pets for a couple of reasons. For one, they tend to bring extreme reactions: the mere thought of a mouse running across the floor can make some people squeak with fright, while others delight in their energy and antics. Secondly, they are far more entertaining and approachable than they at first appear, and as long as you choose the right type, you can enjoy watching and interacting with them without much effort or drawback. Raising happy and healthy pet mice won't be difficult if you know what healthy mice look like and how to care for a pet mouse at home.

Pet Mouse Health

Choosing Pet Mice: As with other animals, the most active and responsive mice in the cage are likely the healthiest. Although mice tend to be active as a general rule, some are certainly quicker and more agile than others. These are often the ones with smooth and clean coats, clean pink skin on the ears and clear, dry eyes. Take a close look: are the eyes and ears free of discharge? The tail and mouth areas clean and dry? The breathing regular and fairly quiet? These are markers of good health among domestic mice.

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About Pet Mice Care

Behavior: The other side to pet mouse care and health is social life and behavior. Mice, like rats and gerbils, are social creatures, so it's best to get more than one to help keep them happy and entertained in their cage. Also like rats, pet mice are pretty tame and can even be trained to take food gently from your hand. The key is to handle them gently from the very beginning, so they get used to human interaction.

Keeping Pairs or Groups of Mice: If you're choosing more than one mouse to bring home, your first choice should be a pair of females, as they will most likely get along quite well. Unfamiliar males will probably fight in their cage, and a male and female together will lead to a plethora of baby mice before you know it! Try to buy your mice from a pet store that knows enough to separate the males and females at a young age, and a salesperson that can distinguish between genders easily and accurately. This way, you won't end up caring for a litter of baby mice right off the bat, and you can rest assured that your mice will get along easily and happily rather than act out or suffer from too much stress.