Intermediate Level: Oranda Goldfish

Orandas are easy to spot. They’re the ones with the bulbous brain-like growths adorning their noggins and, and on some, their full faces. These Goldfish grow to a reasonable size of about 7 inches, with some even doubling that in extremely well-cared for ponds and large tanks. These fish are messy and can easily pollute their water with waste if not adequately cared for.

This means you will need a large tank, especially if you’re considering keeping multiples. Some believe Goldfish are extremely easy to care for because they don’t require a heated tank set-up. However, a number of these people fail to realize the rest of the work that goes into caring for these underrated beauties.

When you hear boasts of Goldfish living for a year, know you can counter that with a properly cared for Goldfish thriving for 10 or even 20 years!

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