
These odd little rodents certainly have a lot of spring in their step, and they are fast! You’ll find gerbils keep themselves quite busy throughout the day, tunnelling and chewing. While gerbils aren’t the best cuddlers, they make for great comedians. There’s never a dull moment with these critters, and with an average lifespan of 3 to 5 years, you’re sure to enjoy their antics for quite some time.

You will find gerbils with varying coat colors, most often seen as white, black or beige. They have large back feet and a long tail that make their bodies perfect for jumping. Their temperament is curious, with aggression being rare. However, many tend to be quite skittish and may stress easily.

By providing gerbils with a proper home and plenty to chew on, you can avoid unwanted, destructive tendencies. A weekly change of paper bedding will keep them clean and cozy, just make sure you provide enough of it. Remember, these rodents like to burrow! It is also best to keep gerbils living separately, if you plan on keeping multiples.

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